Saturday, July 15, 2006

It's Still Good, it's still good!

(WARNING: All days are very confused, as in one day may be two mornings and no night.....>_>)
Day 1
I'm in uni for some reason, then I jump on the train JUST as the doors are closing. I arrive late, causing the waiting game, during which I bought £30 worth of food. After setting up my tent in the flattest place, away from the already made fire, I'm basically sure we started burning things, there was wind and the fire came back on for no real reason in the middle of the night.
Day 2
Alex, Ray and me went into brodick to get more fire supplies. I bought Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones (another £30...>_>) and we all got ice-cream... GOOD ICE-CREAM. Then began the walk to kill time. We found a shop called "The Cheese Shop" which gave out free samples of weird cheese and more importantly, IT SOLD THE ICE-CREAM. The rain then got too much and we began walking back after our random music performance and the finding of the secret room, which will always remain a secret it seems... The storm grows nearer... The string breaks... The supplies are given... The fridge is lost...
Day 3
Sunday, not many buses... and we missed most of them... so we just stayed in the camp site... I ran out of power, everyone else had at least some power, I only had my mind... my maddness begins... we gathered wood, we started a fire, it was one of our... more sucessful ones... bed followed.
Day 4
Billy and me went into brodick for a 10 miunte mission to avoid the waiting game... but we went crazy and bought £65 of food (another £30 of which was mine) then I bought lots of lighters (5 for a pound... bad me...) and bowls which I got lots of egg in... Later came the last of "normal" fire place fires, when I say normal, I mean it was meths fueled and lighter explosive... *everyone puts in bits of wood* *billy causally throws in a lighter* "BILLY!" *everyone runs*. This was the night of the clear, many a star was saw, and many a battle of made up constellations... we will always remember alex's dragonfly... I stayed out the rest of the night only to find that I was being attack by insects in the early hours of the morning.
Day 5
I go on a charge mission. I missed the first bus, so I walked for three hours into brodick, I saw a guy cut a big rock in half with a big electric saw thing. I charged things after sending a happy birthday message, then alex, ray and chris arrived to get more fire supplies and I got juice and THE ICE-CREAM. The night made a fire of super meths and lot of spiky dead wood, which hunted the camp site for the rest of the week, the meths caused some of our food to catch fire, but all was good in the end.
Day 6
Café day. I left enough for three day rovers and walked into brodick. We (everyone but billy, because he was too lazy) got a bus to the café and I bought everyone food. The bus driver we got back, taking the long route back, was crazy. He only slowed for other cars, not cliffs or turns... meaning a fun bumpy ride all the way. Then we went river walking untill I found out I can't jump, so I headed back, then I "hax-ed" the river while everyone else got wet. Insects then made us go tent ourselfs. Everone started going insane for some reason... I asked if toothpaste tasted good....ect. ect.
Day 7
I was meant to go for bread, but it was too cold, and then too late. we packed and got on the ferry after the waiting game in the sun, had a big talk about pokémon on the train, and then homewards.

Events I can't place: bulloon racing, 100 death bulloon racing, alex's GAME OF 3s!, ray having too much salt, the burning of billy's "magazine", poker with added carboard and turn based mario playing.
Be Seeing You.

1 comment:

Ray said...

Yeah, it was fun. Fun for all. Can't believe I forgot about the balloon races...
