Saturday, February 18, 2006


hearing my dad had been in a fire, knowing the pain he must be in.
seeing the insides of his house in ashes on the street, in my mind re-living what had happened.
visiting him in the burns ward, seeing him helpless and hurt.
this has been one emtional time, but at least he's alive.

I got to see Sparks live, one of the first bands I ever really liked.
While being the youngest in the 100s of those who went, I felt oddy at home.
Should have been born in to the last genration... make a note for next time, anyway....

It's weird when something happens that just makes everything else just, not matter...
everything that made me sad before, just shallows in comparason...
maybe it's all helped me more than affected me... no matter how bad that sounds, it might be true.

I needed a night like tonight, something to cheer me up.
Made me feel up to posting here.
Pity I'm still ill, or I could go out and face Jodo.

Be Seeing You.

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