Thursday, October 11, 2007

IO is fun

I've joined a few socities now, I don't say much unless it's dark and there's some movie on that the entire room is taking the piss out of... the other one is a RPG club thing, never really tried it before, but it might be fun. On another note, I've yet to recive my laptop and had to replace my most professional note taker with someone called noha... lets hope he doesn't throw too many animals about >_> I now know at least one person in each class, the one in phycology being the deaf girl Justine, in physics there's colin(the purple type)Elaine (the one who got me drinking) and Amy (the one who got me on drugs >_>), and maths is physics + Dave-ed (the stressful one *narrows eyes* *shakes fist* ect. ect.) in any case, it dosen't matter than much anyway, since I'm normally too sleepy to work out what's going on, nevermind keeping up a side conversation with any of them, although it would be nice if the person who talked to me the most was one of them, and not my physics note-taker >_> but he's nice enough I suppose, I don't know, I've just gone on to a ramble. So Be Seeing You and........................................................... goodnight

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

again here I am, with nothing else to do...

and nothing much to type, nothing much has happened, just a few twists of fate making things easier. First socity meeting today, I might have more to talk about after that, well, I'll HOPEFULLY have something to talk about after that >_> I now know two more people that are in both my physics and maths classes, one I already knew, but they only joined the class today, and the other seems like a new purple type person, hopefully they'll have the personality to pull it off, anyway, for a post that's not saying much I refuse to type untill the end of the little box >_> I'll just type to half way though... there.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

in uni about uni

The libary is quiet place on a saturday night, and it's only tuesday morning...
Yellow submarine references out of the way, this is my 3 hour gap between physics and phycology, in which untill I find a friend with a suitable timetable I spend alone, at first I went to the top floor to get away from the noise of lunch in the QMU but now I eat outside and go to the computer room afterwards, there's not much to do here... I can't really work right now, since everything so far in the lectures have been things I already know, but in about a week it'll all be new and confusing, and I'll have something to do. I haven't met many people, I've seen a few people from the summer school I went to, so them and the few people from the high school that are around are the only people I know so far. Hopefully by going to events such as a uni LAN party set up by the uni gaming socity, and the beer and doughnuts day set up by the physics socity, that will change, hopefully labs will help as well, since I seem to have seprated from the people I know doing my subjects because of my surname I'll have no choice but to try and talk to someone... I knew I should have changed my name to anderson. >_> Anyway signing off from the maths level of the building, be seeing you and be very thankful that you have more than five minute conversations with your friends *bows and exits stage left*

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I'm too ill and about to collapse to accurately recall any of it at the moment, but that will come in time, it's been 50% amazing time and 50% complete nightmare, with nothing being in the middle... I've only met two people I can talk to, and I don't expect to hear from them again, although it would be nice to think they won't completely forget about me. I think I may be getting overconfident when it comes to the courses them selfs...>_> but I think I'm actually looking forward to doing the work... which is really quite odd for someone who normally does nothing at all. After the first overly stressful day, I found myself back on medication, which I'd managed to no longer need in the summer holidays, but now need again >_> anyway, so far I've two bad days and a good day, lets hope tomorrow brings balance! Currently I think I'll be alone for most of uni, which was the first plan anyway, hopefully I can manage to have a few one-to-one friendships, but I think any groups would be death for me. I've found that the best way to talk to anyone in a bar is to stand outside it, yay for the smoking ban >_> Thanks for listening, whoever may still be out there *bows*
Be Seeing You.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

oh look, not much change again

Trust in others
Attention to style

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

It's been a while...

Schizotypal:Very High
Avoidant:Very High
Dependent:Very High

-- Personality Disorder Test --
-- Personality Disorder Information --

... and I haven't changed much >_>

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Yeah, copying from other blogs, a first time for anything >_>

do them both if you want
be seeing you

Saturday, April 07, 2007

And it's that time again.

When flies invade my house giving me something to post about...
but no, my battle with the many flies will have to wait untill I can relate to it, so moving on...
there's too many people, I think it's about time the planet wiped out alot of us.... yeah, that's the mood I'm in.
not a good mood when meeting new people for the first time, which happens to be happening tomorrow, or in fact today, since it's almost 4am... it' been a while since I've been up this late, I forget how peaceful the streets are when they aren't full of what we now call life... sitting motionless in our own personal ovens, which through our own inactivity, will kill us.
I'm getting tired of this world, lets just hurry up and start over already... [/bad mood]
be seeing you and goodnight

Monday, March 19, 2007


Time, thoughts, x-men, oomad, scrubs, wario ware, 23, psychology, fate, zen Buddhists, tarot cards, dream, australia, lost, doctor, everybody votes channel, family of unrelated blood, hotel dusk, unseen mixer, timing, and too many coincidences to remain unnoticed, have led me to this conclusion.

Be Seeing You.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Something about strawberry wine.

w ?
wi e?
wil ee?
will ree?
will i gree?
will it agree?
will it d sagree?
will it di isagree?
will it dis disagree?
will it disa t disagree?
will it disag it disagree?
will it disagr l it disagree?
will it disagre ll it disagree?
will it disagree ill it disagree?
will it disagree? will it disagree?
or simply seem to? or simply seem to?
r simply seem to? or simply seem to
simply seem to? or simply seem t
imply seem to? or simply seem
mply seem to? or simply see
ply seem to? or simply se
ly seem to? or simply s
y seem to? or simply
seem to? or simpl
eem to? or simp
em to? or sim
m to? or si
to? or s
o? or
? o

Be Seeing You, and goodnight.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Not drawing pictures at the cafe

I started this school year with the thought "I need a holiday" which is what ended up happening. I've had the holiday from life I needed and with the help of little green pills I'm happy. And in the words The Last Town Chorus: "it's not over, untill I say it's over".