Thursday, October 11, 2007

IO is fun

I've joined a few socities now, I don't say much unless it's dark and there's some movie on that the entire room is taking the piss out of... the other one is a RPG club thing, never really tried it before, but it might be fun. On another note, I've yet to recive my laptop and had to replace my most professional note taker with someone called noha... lets hope he doesn't throw too many animals about >_> I now know at least one person in each class, the one in phycology being the deaf girl Justine, in physics there's colin(the purple type)Elaine (the one who got me drinking) and Amy (the one who got me on drugs >_>), and maths is physics + Dave-ed (the stressful one *narrows eyes* *shakes fist* ect. ect.) in any case, it dosen't matter than much anyway, since I'm normally too sleepy to work out what's going on, nevermind keeping up a side conversation with any of them, although it would be nice if the person who talked to me the most was one of them, and not my physics note-taker >_> but he's nice enough I suppose, I don't know, I've just gone on to a ramble. So Be Seeing You and........................................................... goodnight

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