Sunday, November 20, 2005

Change, a lack of.

Today was a constant loop of lost, seinfeld, on-line, lost, seinfeld, on-line, food. It was relaxing, I haven't thought about much all day apart odd squeaks of happy-ness I was getting, just at the thought of possible happy times to come.
I've got nothing much on my mind, and for the moment at least, I'd like to keep it that way. I think too much about everything almost all the time. I used to have a world in which I could escape to, since I was below the age of five, it's always been there for me, but recently I haven't been able to go there. With it gone, all I have are my thoughts in my head.
It was a great world, it was like a movie that I controlled, the best sci-fi ever made. At least two years long, it spanned four universes.
It may be a bit hard to understand, since I'm the only one who knew everything about it, and it would take more than two years to tell anyone about even if I could remember it all.
I need some change, or I'll never be able to go back.
Be seeing you.

1 comment:

christinelovestotravel said...

Senfield is awesome! I cannot get enough of the re-runs, it still manages to make me laugh.