Thursday, November 17, 2005


Today weapons arrived for me.
It's amazing to be asked to do something you've always wanted to do by someone you love. I mean I never thought "the art of drawing a sword" and "the art of the staff" could help me start and, if it starts, maintain my first relationship. Odd that objects of death can bring people together.
I also met my dad today, he had even more meetings and plans to stop world war three. He's making a film to go with a peom he wrote, I did the filming... not a good thing. It was fun anyway, walking around with him, just talking and joking, we really understand each others sense of houmor and just get into a frame of mind for being with each other.
I get on with my family well. If I didn't have them, I don't know what I'd do...
When all but one of my grandperents died, it affected me in ways I'm still finding out...
be seeing you

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